الخميس، 12 يوليو 2012

I will have no other choice

I'm 35 weeks with trace of protein and now PUPPPS (?)!!
I assume it's PUPPPS (you know, the itching all over that drives you nuts!). I go to my OB on Wednesday. He told I had a trace of protein at my last appt. 3 weeks ago, but my BP was normal, and I have had some swelling. I drink at least a gallon of water a day, if not more (plus milk with meals), and I have limit myself to 1-2 Dr. Peppers a week (I know, but last pregnancy it was 2-3 a day!). This is my 6th child. I have never experienced any of this before. The itching is about to make me go insane. My SIL also had PUPPPS, and her OB told her to use the Benedryl Cream, so I have been using it also (read an article that it was ok), but another member on this site told me not to use it. :

Now to find out that my mother may not be able to come to help me, so I am kinda bummed, but I know I will be able to do it. I will have to. I will have no other choice

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